Village House for sale in Alcontar


This house has 2 floors: Ground floor,living room, bedroom, kitchen and cloakroom.
1st floor: 5 rooms and a bathroom.
There is another construction included with the property that could be reformed with no problems.
This house is habitable but is in need of some work...there are 2 different accesses to the property making it very easy to divide this house into 2 separate dwellings.
The village has all services and is very peaceful.Electric and water are connected.

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Casa Contar — #IC 90

Village House for sale in Alcontar

Semi-detached — Habitable

€66,000 ~ £55,506 *

  • 5 bedrooms
  • One bathroom
  • Water Yes
  • Electricity Yes
  • Telephone Possible
  • Internet Possible

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